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客户世界|北京青旅 |2008-09-19








7:00- 我社导游司机按照预订时间到客人酒店接客人,接齐全部客人后,出发赴昌平。


9:00-11:30: 游览举世闻名的万里长城-八达岭长城。




18:30- 按照客人酒店的位置,送客人返回各自的酒店,结束本天旅游。








7:30-8:30: 我社导游司机按照预订时间到客人酒店接客人,接齐全部客人后,出发赴故宫。

8:30-10:30: 游览世界上最大皇家宫殿群-故宫。


12:30-1:30: 安排中式午餐。

1:30-2:00: 午餐后,开车赴颐和园。

2:00-3:30: 游览著名的中国皇家园林-颐和园。

3:30-5:00: 游览后,乘车返回市区,途中经奥运村,观赏奥运主会场鸟巢,水立方游泳馆外景,拍照留念。途中参观北京特色产品。

5:00-6:00: 参观结束后,按照客人酒店的位置,送客人返回各自的酒店,结束本天旅游。


MSN: ritongguoji@hotmail.com

Tel: 0086-10-87748834



LINE 1: Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace .Out view of Bird Nest & Water Cube

1.Picking up travelers from hotel on departure time, and then driving to the Forbidden City, the largest ancient imperial palaces group in the world with 500 years history . Visit the Forbidden City along the central axis from south to north for about 1.5-2 hours.

Visit scenic spots: 1. The hall and the courtyard of supreme harmony, 2. The meridian gate, 3. the hall of supreme harmony, 4. the hall of complete harmony, 5. the hall of preserving harmony, 6. the huge of stone carving, 7. the hall of union, 8. the palace of earthly tranquility, 9. the imperial garden, etc.

2, Drive (30 minutes) to the Temple of Heaven  the largest ancient imperial worship architecture group in the world. Visit it for about 0.5-1 hour.

Visit scenic spots: 1. the hall of prayer for good harvest, 2. red stairway bridge, 3. the imperial vault of heaven, 4. echo wall, 5. triple sound stone, 6. the circular mound altar, etc.

3, Have Chinese lunch (40minutes) .

4, Driving (30minutes) to Summer Palace, the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden. Visit it for about 1-1.5 hours.

Visit scenic spots: 1. East palace gate, 2. the hall of benevolence and longevity, 3. hall of jade billows, 4. the hall of joyful longevity, 5. the covered walkway, 6. the marble boat, etc.

5, Out view of Bird Nest and Water Cube. And then driving the travelers back to their hotels.


Cost Include:

1, Hotel pick-up & drop-off service ,  2, Private English guide. 3, Entrance tickets as listed, 4, Chinese lunch.5, Air-conditioned tour coach

Cost Exclude:

Tips to the guide and driver as your wish..

How to Book

1. You can book online or by email, tell us which line you like (inform us where to pick you up, place can be: hotel, apartment or campus), then receive our tour confirmation email.

2. When you arrive in Beijing, our tour guide will call you the night before the tour, if you are not in hotel room, we will leave a message in your room, to inform the time to pick you up in the next morning. Our (bus, car or van) arrive next morning, meet and enjoy the tour.

Contact US:

MSN: ritongguoji@hotmail.com

Tel: 0086-10-87748834

E-mail:alaleizhang@sohu.com(please remark one day tour)

LINE2:Great Wall, Ming Tombs, Out view of Bird Nest and water Cube

1. Pick up travelers from hotel on departure time, and then drive to the Great Wall (60 miles away from downtown about one and half hour’s driving). Sightseeing on the most famous part of the Great Wall, Badaling section, visit for about 2 hours.

Visit scenic spots: Badaling Geat Wall, Badaling fortress, beacon-towers, "looking-toward beijing stone", etc. (Cable car is a good choice if one wants to get to the highest point and take the whole beautiful bird view.)

2. Having typical Chinese lunch (50 minutes).

3. Driving (20minutes) to the Ming Tombs, the best preserved Chinese imperial tombs with 500 years history, and visiting Changling, the largest one, Emperor Yongle’s Tomb (about 1 hours).

Visit scenic spots: 1.ling en gate, 2.ling en palace, 3.soul tower, 4.the great red gate, 5.the stele pavilion, etc.

4. Out view of Bird Nest and Water Cube. And then driving the travelers back to their hotels.


Cost Include:

1, Hotel pick-up & drop-off service ,  2, Private English guide. 3, Entrance tickets as listed, 4, Chinese lunch.5, Air-conditioned tour coach

Cost Exclude:

1,Tips to the guide and driver as your wish. .2, Great Wall cable car (optional).

How to Book

1. You can book online or by email, tell us which line you like (inform us where to pick you up, place can be: hotel, apartment or campus), then receive our tour confirmation email.

2. When you arrive in Beijing, our tour guide will call you the night before the tour, if you are not in hotel room, we will leave a message in your room, to inform the time to pick you up in the next morning. Our (bus, car or van) arrive next morning, meet and enjoy the tour.

Contact US:

MSN: ritongguoji@hotmail.com

Tel: 0086-10-87748834

E-mail:alaleizhang@sohu.com(please remark one day tour)



