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客户世界|CNCCA |2008-10-13




5年来,郭杨女士领导的电子银行中心团队已经发展成为一个集呼入、呼出、EMAIL、BBS等多项式业务于一体的多媒体式客户服务中心,并在业内率先推出了网上论坛、视频直播、工行工作室、网上客户经理等多项全新的客户服务形式,使95588成为客户了解工行产品和享受工行服务的重要窗口。95588的突出业绩也得到了行内外的一致肯定,其数字化管理工作先后获得2006年度中国工商银行北京分行管理创新一等奖和2007年度中国工商银行青年创新创效金奖,电子银行中心也先后获得 “中国客户关怀与公众服务标杆企业金奖”、“2006年中国最佳呼叫中心”、“2007年中国最佳全国性呼叫中心管理团队”、“亚太地区“中国呼叫中心特别贡献奖”、“金融业最佳客户服务中心”等多项殊荣。

Brief introduction of the Winning Units:

Ms.Guo Yang has worked in ICBC since 1993,she has been worked in Corporate, Accounting,Administration Office and other important department ,she has gained the great experience during these years. Ms.Guo Yang has started to worked in ICBC E-banking department since 2003, and hold the post of Direct General of Customer Service, taking charge in customer service of 95588. She participates the building of integrated phone banking, integrating of phone banking of credit card, establishing of Chengdu E-banking center and other projects which help her learn rich knowledge of Call-Center. From 2004 Ms Guo Yang begins to promote the digital management system in ICBC E-banking. Through effective and comprehensive performance estimation, the service quality of 95588 has made a great progress.

During these 5 years and under the professional leading of Ms.Guo Yang, 95588 has become a multi-function call-center which includes incoming and outgoing calls, email, BBS, and other services. Moreover it has promoted workroom, online client manager, Video Live and other new services, which makes 95588 becomes an essential channel for customers to understand and enjoy the service of ICBC.
95588’s extraordinary achievement has applauded both in banking circle and other fields, integrated in digital by Ms.Guo Yang has been awarded in ‘Innovation of Management of ICBC Beijing Branch (2006)’ and ‘Innovation of Youth Gold Award of ICBC (2007)’. And the recently awarding of 95588 including ‘Gold Award of Model Corporation for China Customer Care and Public Service’, ‘The Best Call-center in 2006’, ‘The Best Manger of Call-center in 2007’, ‘The Special Contribution Award of Customer Service in 2007’ and ‘The Best Customer Service Center of Financial’.


客户世界机构(CCMWorld Group)




