Teleopti 新开发的中国客户——交通银行总行客服中心

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|Teleopti |2013-06-14

中国北京—— [2013 年 6 月 6 日 ] —— Teleopti 是全球性解决方案提供商,为大中型联系中心提供人力资源管理与绩效解决方案(通称排班管理)。日前,本公司收到来自中国交通银行客服的 Teleopti CCC 排班管理解决方案的订单,为中国交通银行(总行)客服中心提供排班管理方案。作为领先的银行应用与系统集成服务提供商,北京宇信易诚科技有限公司同 Teleopti 一同负责本项目的交付工作。预计整个项目将在未来 2 个月内完成交付。

“这是中国金融市场的一大突破, Teleopti 将确保本项目的成功,确保中国客户满意。本项目也证明我们与宇信易诚公司建立的牢固的伙伴关系,我们的合作已经在银行业上取得成功,” Teleopti 公司首席执行官 Olle During 说道。

宇信易诚公司呼叫中心事业部总经理朱建明先生指出,“本项目是 Teleopti 与宇信易诚公司之间合作的又一个里程碑。在项目第一阶段, Teleopti 与宇信易诚公司共同合作,为 1200 个座席员工实施了排班解决方案。我们预期在未来的两年将为交行客服中心提供更多的高级应用模块。”

Bank of Communications – Teleopti’s Another Strategic Customer in China Finance Market

Beijing, China– [6 June, 2013] – Teleopti, a global provider of Workforce Management (WFM) solutions for large contact centres, today received an order for their workforce management solution, Teleopti CCC, from the Bank of Communications, a leading bank in China. As the leading Bank Application and System Integration provider, Yucheng Technology is responsibile for this project delivery together with Teleopti , and it is estimated that the full project will be delivered in the next 2 months.

”This is a breakthrough for Teleopti in China finance market. Teleopti is very proud to be working with the Bank of Communications’ customer service and will make sure that the project will be a success.It also shows that the partnership with Yucheng is strong and that the cooperation has brought successful results in bank sector,” says Olle During, CEO at Teleopti AB.

Mr. Zhu Jianming, General Manager of Yucheng Technology CC BU, points out that the project is also another milestone for the cooperation between Teleopti and Yucheng. In the first phase of the project, Yucheng and Teleopti will implement WFM for more than 1200 agents, and after the initial implementation there is potential to set up advanced modules in the following 2 years.

关于 Teleopti
Teleopti 公司是战略性员工与绩效管理解决方案全球提供商,以及电信资费管理解决方案全球提供商。本公司以根据客户要求,开发先进的用户友好型解决方案而闻名。全世界有数百家企业都依靠 Teleopti 解决方案,在实现最佳运营效率的同时,提供最高水平的服务。

转载请注明来源:Teleopti 新开发的中国客户——交通银行总行客服中心

