
    |     2015年7月13日   |   文库   |     评论已关闭   |    1462



Lilly Suzhou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

| | 2010-10-27

所处行业   医药  
人员数量   18 
所在城市   上海 
座席数量    15 
建立时间    2009-04 
客服号码   8008205078   4008205078
网址      www.lillychina.com




Brief introduction of the Winning Units:Lilly diabetes patients’ hotline was established in April, 2009. In the past 1 year and a half, the hotline has been delivering patient inquiry and regular customer care call service to more than 500,000 users. The monthly call volume exceeds 40,000 phone calls.

With the changed modern life style, the prevalence ratio of diabetes patients almost doubled in the past 10 years from 2000 to 2010. The patient number exceeds 94 million in China. The patients are younger and more knowledgeable. They require a higher standard of customer service. Lilly was the first one to establish the customer interaction center to provide 14 hours by 7 days customer service. The custom service is available whenever needed, from the first insulin usage in the morning to the medical advice before the patients go to bed.

Since the launch of the call center, Lilly diabetes hotline not only providing differentiated service to their consumers, but also invited experienced specialist to provide hotline service so the patience can easily reach the specialist and get the help. In the meantime, this hotline also provides the high end customers with personal care service like onsite service and regularly user coach.

With the consistent hard work of the hotline, Lilly’s patients’ experience and satisfaction has been consistently high. The service helped to improve the customer retention rate for 10% in the past year and lead to a better finance result to Lilly.



