新浪网IVR部分业务涉嫌违规 遭中移动关停

    |     2015年7月12日   |   标杆展示   |     评论已关闭   |    1533


  天极网8月10日消息(记者冯大刚)今日记者获得消息称,国内著名门户网站新浪的IVR(Interactive Voice Response无线音信互动服务)业务中的中移动部分已遭关停,新浪已发表声明对此进行说明。






  附:新浪相关声明At the end of July 2004, China Mobile informed us that our IVR service with China Mobile had been temporarily suspended due to the violation of certain China Mobile’s operating policies relating to IVR service. We are in the process of reviewing our IVR service with China Mobile. We are not sure that our IVR service with China Mobile can be restored in the near future. Even if our IVR service with China Mobile is restored in the near future, we cannot be sure that China Mobile will not impose monetary penalties against us. If we cannot restore our IVR service with China Mobile in the near future or if China Mobile imposes monetary penalties against us, our revenues from mobile value-added service and our net income for September quarter and future quarters will be negatively impacted. Our revenues from IVR service with China Mobile accounted for approximately 7% of our revenues from mobile value-added services or approximately 4% of our total revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2004.


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