
    |     2015年7月13日   |   文库   |     评论已关闭   |    1243


所处行业   医药卫生行业
人员数量    55
所在城市    北京
座席数量    50
建立时间    2000   
客服号码    4008105790    8008105790
网址     www.haoyisheng.com



Brief Introduction of the Winning Units: ‘Haoyisheng Group’ is an integrated physician service provider in fields of Medical Education, Medical Information, Medical IT and related services. With over ten years experience in medical field, the widest client coverage, years of operation, service and management experience on call center, in-depth understanding and blueprint in medical field, Haoyisheng established the first medical & healthcare one-stop-service call center in China. By building the HYS call center, HYS aims to provide professional, thoughtful healthcare service for customer as well as efficient, flexible, customized service on product promotion & marketing service for pharmaceutical enterprise.HYS call center adopts the fifth call center technology with Rongyabotong software, Synroute’s middleware, and AVAYA communication system. Currently the scale of HYS call center is 100 service seats and will grow to 500 service seats within 3 years.

 HYS tailors the service according to the customer’s demands. Professional service: customer representatives are of professional medical background.



